Please discern for yourself with this "MUST KNOW" educational material here.
Note: I chose all Large and Largest FONTS for this info page. If the letters become small / smaller and hard to read after I publish it, it's the work of the satanic khazarian mafia !!!
Finally, people want to know: Why Donald Trump has not arrested Hillary Clinton and all the other swamp criminals. Answer: Because Hillary and all the rest are not US Citizens. Hillary and the gang are State Nationals. Our U.S. admiralty courts and department of justice are only set-ups to convict Federal US citizens. The entire underpinning of the US government along with the US presidential position was stripped from the original and is not legally based--it does not actually exist and insiders like Hillary know the legal maneuvers to make themselves exempt and immune. They can only be brought to justice through the military courts or common law courts.
The british's: The City of London’s ReColonization of America (<==click)
(USA is a corporation under the hidden act of 1871 (<== click here see more)
British control
USA is a british owned corporation
The crown agents control America (Sept 29, 2019)
Per Field McConnell: British crown agents behind all false flag terroristic attacks and child stealing etc... since the early 1800s....
The world is run by british nazis (July 8, 2019)
Proof of the british controlling the United States as a colony (<==click here)
Kevin Shipp: You need to understand that there's a crisis coming .... Kevin said it was John Bolton (from NSA) who leaked Trump's phone call to Ukraine content to the dems
Oct 19, 2019
British Lies and british spies: Origins of "Five Eyes" and "fake news" Aug 30, 2019
owned corporation
Did you know that since 1933, we have been the enemy of the state?
Note: Above link has been taken down (Noticed on Aug 20, 2021)
The following 2 links still work:
Sept 19, 2019
Deborah Tavares - USA Inc.
Do or Die now with California under attack
and one can see 3 plans / operations to do harm to the US Population
The ACT of 1871 formed the corporation called THE UNITED STATES ~ This is the reason congress is a potted plant and a DEN of traitors!
Everthing is a LIE !!! Feb 28, 2019
Deborah Tavares speaks about the "corporation" doing the killing to the masses (Dec 14, 2019) (Time: 3:45)
An open message to police / military
You are working for criminals
A bit of history
Dear President Donald John Trump, our Nation Was Overthrown in the 1860's by the Vatican/Crown! What are We Doing About It?
KHAZAR MAFIA (KM) ROTHSCHILDS = Rothschilds genocided the Royal Family members by staging secret adulterous breedings of Royalty with Khazarian men to replace the Royals with their OWN KAZAR CLAN. By 1600’s, the KM had murdered off the British Royals and substitute their own fakes.
A must know info video from McAllister TV about Khazarian Mafia, schiff lie update, biden cloned(?) et...(Nov. 5, 2019)
Quoting from link below:
"The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a British corporation based in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is the parent-company of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA sub-corporations in America under various names (which it changes on ongoing basis by re-incorporating them), The company was first incorporated within America in 1868 in the state of Delaware as a PRIVATE company and seized control of the District of Columbia when Congress passed the District of Columbia Act of 1871 . (Please view all images closely and verify/disprove on Internet web sites BEFORE you make up your mind …)
#***** Very important info to know *****#
A must know info for all christians in US ##
True patriots' gift to all of us: Here's the comparison of the 2 constitutions (the fraudulent corporate one used by the USA Corporation and the original US Republic one )
Welcome to the United States of America, Inc. Your birth certificate (8 min 23 sec long):
More on birth certificates
Birth Certificates Are Federal Bank Notes
Are you a slave? The United States CORPORATION of America exposed !!!
Nowhere in the constitution says that the government can tax us:
Cestui que vie Act 1666
"Therefore, claim your rightful inheritance, claim to be living, or better yet, the executor of the estate. You have come to clean up the mess of the trustees and those who are acting without you giving them authority, i.e. warrant." More info at:
Courts afraid of us now & lawful bank - Roger Hayes british constitution Group (Oct 4, 2011)
The Act of 1871: The “United States” Is a Corporation – There are Two Constitutions STATES OF AMERICA INC.
In 1871 the 41st congress passed the district of columbia act creating "UNITED STATES" inc. (2 min 25sec long)
USA is a corporation (so are the CIA, Federal Land Acquisition Corp, Internal Revenue Tax and Audit Service Inc, The Social Security Corp Dept. of Health Education & Welf , United States Treasury, US Treasury Inc., ...==> incorporated in Delaware !!!
The United States is a foreign corporation pretending to represent the country known as the Continental United States or The United States of America (Major), which is a republic and not a democracy. To make matters worse, every county, city, and state has a corporate version of itself.
Quoting from link below:
" The date is February 21, 1871 and the Forty-First Congress is in session. I refer you to the "Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62. On this date in the history of our nation, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia." This is also known as the "Act of 1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land. "
Do you happen to know that we have a domestic enemy and has 5 articles named:
"Get the hell out of our country !!!" <==click
If you are a christian, please read p.14 on to see if you did work with Jesus (aka Sananda) back about 2,000 years ago:
USA has been used by the criminal satanic bankers to fight their invasions (they call them Wars): killer bankers are humanity's enemies... great info video, Oct 16, 2019
Sinister plan for the world revealed with Harley Schlanger (Sept 14, 2019)
One can ask oneself this question: "how come I don't know what really is going on in the US?"
The flag with the gold or yellow fringe has no constitution, no laws, and no rules of court, and is not recognized by any nation on the earth, and is foreign to you and the United States of America
Still wondering why you don't know????
Well - - - - ==> this has to do highly (& likely) with how we have been mind controlled !!! A british organization, Tavistock Institute <==click for info) a british organization has been helping the CIA (& many other institutions / organizations) to mind control / mind program / and brainwash the US population to be "complacent" and to not take any action !!! An interesting article talks about this:
More on Tavistock Institute:
Wonder why lots of people don't know what's going on? That's due to mind control / mind programming / brainwashing. (Dec 13, 2019)
Pelosi ties to the black nobility (Jan 22, 2019)
Per Kevin Shipp, John Bolton was the one leaking the Trump's phone conversation with Ukraine's leader (Oct 19, 2019)
Kevin Shipp (Ex CIA - - whistleblower) on schiff (Oct 24, 2019
(Note: this picture is from the link below)
– George H. W. Bush: 1992 Quote to White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon.
==> Can't trust either a R or a D in
the USA Corporation !!! Normally
they work for the british khazarian
mafia, then he can perhaps be trusted?
Bush was a disguised "demon rat" / "Demmarx = Marxism cloaked under Democracy" (1/9/2020)
Red Terror: Why Demon-Rats want your guns (Aug 6, 2019)
Deborah Tavares: Genocide documents - Murder "IS" legal How this came to be Part 1
June 13, 2019
Deborah Tavares: Genocide documents - Murder "IS" legal How this came to be Part 2
June 15, 2019
We are the enemy of the state (2/25/2011) (some of their plans back in 1965 as seen below:)
- Staged countless wars.
- Created revolutions.
- Brought about coups d’état.
- Induced pestilences.
- Consistently predicted outcomes.
- Deposed leaders.
- Altered climate.
- Eliminated undesirables of any rank, gender, age or standing with many ingenious devices, concoctions and strategies.
- Established religions, sects and cults and disestablished them too.
- Created and disbanded unions, political parties and governments.
- Grown, manufactured and peddled drugs of every kind worldwide.
- Composed and controlled governments as if they were pawns on a chessboard
- Established organized crime syndicates.
- Created and/or controlled the law enforcement agencies which fight the
organized crime syndicates.
- Fried brains with the kind of weapons most can only dream of.
- Induced psychosis, cancers and mass confusion with various substances and
invisible waves.
- Controlled minds en masse across the world.
- Generated famines, earthquakes and tidal waves.
- Harnessed energies fit for a science fiction novel.
The deep deep hidden history (Nov.22, 2018)
Did you know that Washington DC is not part of the USA? (Enemy of all <==Click)
3 Evil City-States that rule the world...
Washington DC, Vatican city, and Vatican City:
United States is a corporation
"Act of 1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land.... This corporation, owned by foreign interests 19 CJS 883Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). It is stated unequivocally that the UNITED STATES is a corporation... The UNITED STATES government is basically a corporate instrument of the international bankers.“There are NO Judicial Courts in America and have not been since 1789. ‘Judges do NOT enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. FRC v. GE, 281 U.S. 464 Keller v. Potomac Elec. Co., 261 U.S. 428 1 Stat. 138-178”
“There have NOT been any ‘Judges in America since 1789. There have only been Administrators. FRC v. GE, 281 U.S. 464 Keller v. Potomac Elec. Co., 261 U.S. 428 1 Stat. 138-178”
ARGERSINGER v. HAMLIN, 407 U.S. 25 (1972): “The right of an indigent defendant in a criminal trial to the assistance of counsel, which is guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment… is not governed by the classification of the offense or by whether or not a jury trial is required. No accused may be deprived of his liberty as the result of any criminal prosecution, whether felony or misdemeanor, in which he was denied the assistance of course
Our Take On What's in the Mueller Report, Hint: The Russians Didn't Do it, the Brits Did (March 25, 2019) USA colonized? (England never did let the USA go...) - - this domestic enemy (<==click) of the USA, Click on the articles Part 1 to 5 :
"Get the Hell Out of Our Country" (telling the domestic enemy to go to hell !!!)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
British colonization of the Americas. The British colonization of the Americas (including colonization by both the English and the Scots) began in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia, and reached its peak when colonies had been established throughout the Americas.
Money / missing money in the US
Dark Journalist & Catherine Fitts... missing money FASAB 56 revealed (June 21, 2019)
Another interview with Greg Hunter: Catherine Fitts talks about many topics ... among them are the missing money, stolen money, the US dollar as world reserve currency depends a lot on the military etc... (June 1, 2019)
Greg Hunter interviews Catherine Fitts (Jan 12, 2019): Federal government running secret open bailout (at the border...). Note at about 34 minutes and on into the video, you will find out from Catherine that "a secret group of people" can steal all your assets whenever they want ... there are no property rights !!!
Corruption at the border (Jason Goodman and Former US Customs and Border protection John Carman (July 23, 2019)
Part 2 of 3 (Jan 2019)
Part 3 of 3 (Jan 28, 2019)
The USA is in deep trouble, John B. Wells interviews Dr. Darrell Hamamoto (March 11, 2019) - - University of California (UC) system is all messed up... Education for our children has been electric car at 2hr07' !!!
Ancient history review info with Dr. Darrell Hamamoto and Lauren Moret
June 7, 2016; Italians are iranians ...
General Accounting & the Corporation Nation
Feb 28, 2019 CAFR Report (Complete Annual Financial report)
Something strange is happening with the $100 bill
March 4, 2019
The uncommon law of the land and sea (Feb 21, 2019)
The deadly 5G... February 17, 2019
Lots of 5G info links for further reading / listening:
What you are not supposed to know about America's founding (Oct 19, 2016)
A must watch (lawyer believes in 2nd Amendment for "self defense" !!!) January 18, 2019
===> Time to dis-barr D.C. Swamp Rats with special guest (lawyer) Larry Klayman:
Larry Klayman setting the AG bar low
Greg Hunter interviews Catherine Fitts (Nov 24, 2018) : Government taking mass amounts of dark money
USA Inc. predatory government betrayal (Deborah Tavares and Dr. Ed Spencer - May 15, 2014)
Accounting firms bankrupting all cities (all cities, states, and the federal governments are "corporations" !!!) - - Jan 7, 2019
Pelosi put global invaders first, americans last
Jan 5, 2019
How the brits tried to overthrow Trump (Dec 30, 2018)
Does Trump know that the queen is spying on all of us? (Jan 2, 2019) Facebook is tavistock (a british organization mind controlling populations !!!)
100 years of british propaganda and war is enough
(Jan 4, 2019)
Trump exposes queen elizabeth's secret plan to take over the world - Dec 26, 2018
The United States has been a british colony and the Tavistock Institute from Great Britain has been brainwashing and mind controlling the US citizens and here's a good informational video telling you about it ... Dec 14, 2018 (with CIA created Facebook site...):
No wonder lots of people in the US don't know what's going on due to being well mind controlled and brainwashed... too complacent to do anything!
History overview not taught in US schools (Nov. 17, 2018) - A big picture... Former Canadian Defense minister's speech to wake up Americans:
The United States government set up is a total fraud : it's a corporation...Income tax system is super fraud...
Federal income tax is "theft": October 2018. ...
Taxing people is totally fraudulent per the original US Republic Constitution !!! USA is a corporation. (3/8/16)
Deborah Tavares
exposes the reality of our problems that have been hidden from us in the USA: We have been controlled by corporations at all levels of government (city, state, and federal) and we are the enemies of the state - - declaration of war against us for many decades already, Sept 4, 2015 (Very Important Information):
Deborah Tavares Iron Mountain - Blueprint for tyranny (Oct 4, 2017):
Deborah Tavares Cali fires - Directed Energy Weapon Attacks Jan 13, 2018
How PG&E started the CA fires (Jul 2, 2018)
(by using smart meters installed by the homes)
Deborah Tavares
Fires, Water and how to survive (Dec 18, 2018)
The british never did let go of the United States and did you know that Washington DC is independent (just like the City of London and Vatican City)? It was once called "Rome"... Some info on WDC:
A paragraph from the link below:
Excellent informational videos to review:
Please click the links below to watch.
About the first video: War-Castles:
1. WAR CASTLES: The savior of our nation, April 2018 :
War Castles the bush's (Nov 14, 2018)
WC - Albert Pike (Dec 4, 2018)
WC A-O Rockefeller (Dec 5, 2018)
2. Deborah Tavares wake up videos:
Who is running America ... loaded with "must know" information for all americans:
USA Inc predatory government betrayal with Dr. Ed Spencer
3. Silent weapons for quiet wars: Very important - a MUST know info for all
Deborah Tavares...
5. More from Deborah Tavares...well documented plan to kill billions...
6. USA Inc. predatory government betrayal
911 information:
Let's look at another angle. There were 70,000 people who perished at 911 and the top policy makers in the US gov't get paid by BIS !!! See link below: From above link's page 9: Iraq was double-crossed by Bush and the CIA, and the oil holdings of this country were seized by England. Do you think you-the-people will somehow get cheap gas prices out of the robbery? Dear friends, you were not included in the plan to divide up the spoils. England and Israel do not like the people of America. Israel sent a notice to all the “Jews” who worked in and around the World Trade Center towers in New York that day, AND NONE OF THEM DIED. WHY WERE THE JEWS OFF? IT WAS NOT ONE OF THEIR HOLIDAYS. YOU LOST 70,000 PEOPLE—NOT 3,000—that is why the New York mafia was called in to dump the evidence at sea. Tony Blair let it slip twice how many were actually killed because it was British Intelligence who masterminded the whole affair THROUGH the Central Intelligence Agency. In case anything went wrong, it would not get traced back to your overlords in London. The top policy makers and foreign diplomats do not receive their paychecks from U.S. taxpayers. They are paid by the Bank of International Settlements—A FOREIGN BANK! Americans cannot pay any of their government functions (state or national) because not only is America out of work, but all your little change that is being bled from the few of you who have jobs goes straight to the creditors. Are you not familiar with how that works? It is called Bankruptcy and Foreclosure. All that you have—including your businesses, homes and land—goes to the creditor, THE BANK, to repay the loan. This includes your minerals, oil, coal, natural gas—all natural resources, INCLUDING HUMAN RESOURCES!"
Israel Did 9-11 - A (((Who's Who)))
Bush admits explosives were used at World Trade Center 911:
Nanothermite was mixed with the cement used to build those towers (and supplied by the osama bin laden construction company...: ). When placing charges at the right locations, the buildings can be brought down via implosion...the cement blocks can turn to dust????
Excellent whistleblowing from a navy pilot Field McConnell => Serco's stranglehold of the US military: Another 2 reports from James Perloff: and
bush family came to America from nazi germany as "scherff" - - see nazis in the white house:
Summary of hidden history of the United States under nazis:
What you're not supposed to know about America's Founding
A must read truth articles in the link below will help people to wake up as to what lies we've been fed by the criminals running this country... the truth of how the USA folks have been screwed in every way possible (US has been bankrupted since 1933, people became corporate properties of the state...??????????? )
Do you happen to know that lawyers in the USA join the BAR = British Accreditation Registry and take an secret israeli OATH (called Kol Nidre ?<--Click for definition)
(My personal story: in 1998, I asked a friend of mine (a criminal lawyer) from college about this Kol Nidre oath, he was shocked and asked me how I knew about it...I replied: "I happen to learn about it"... his tone was not happy and then cancelled our lunch appointment for the following day... funny...ha...ha..)
An Expose' On the Legal Fraud Perpetrated On All Americans
"Your BAR attorney is a fraud" - see link below:
Using, I searched using the following words: "Lawyers and judges also swear secret (un-constitutional) satanic (kol nidre)" and found 47 results - - - and here's a "screenshot" with some of them:
Federal Reserve is a private corporation:
This is why the fed will be taken down !!!
Looks like the war between the Light Forces and the dark forces for our souls at these end times really intensify as these dark forces (khazarian mafia) are being exposed more and more thanks to people waking up and sharing what they know. Sooner or later, more people will wakeup in the United States (and other people of this planet too) and all will reclaim their respective country from these parasitic satanic usurpers (aka the 13 reptilian families).
Here's the document that shows the comparison of the fraudulent corporate constitution in use now vs the Original United States Republic Constitution:
The ONE DOLLAR bill's picture is Adam Weishaupt's and not Washington's (along with the reptilian eye in the pyramid with the all seeing eye...)
FYI ...
James Traficant was our national hero who exposed the USA Corporation in the congress !!!!
Excellent info that the US (slaves to these anti-christ parasitic criminals) has been used by these crooks to fight their 1,000 year enemy: "the Christian Russians" !!! What a way to exploit their HOST !!!
From link below:" This entire area that used to be Khazaria is loaded with oil and natural gas and these Khazarian Jews have had an axe to grind with Russia for over 1,000 years.
Getting the picture, folks? Can these Zionist Khazarian Jews do it alone? NO! They absolutely have to have the muscle of the United States to pursue these stupid, petty, long-since-dead illusions of grandeur and empire. "
More on this 1,000 year war between the khazars and the christian russians:
"From the link below:
"This is it, dear ones, the clash of the titans—Russia and the Khazars have been fighting each other bitterly for more than 900 YEARS! All world conflicts, since then, have been these two trying to destroy each other—the citizens of the planet do not know that they—YOU—are the expendable pawns in all this! The Christian Russians [Rus means “Blonds”] versus the satanic Khazars [Who are the southern Russia “cousins” of the Rus. Remember, “Soviets” versus Russians?] "
We have to do our best to get rid of them because in the past, they got kicked out from more than 100 countries:
List of countries where these parasite anti-christ fake imposter jews "khazarian mafia" got kicked out:
==> All responsible US citizens should study all this (& more on their own) and know the truth. We all have been lied to too much already and we have to stand united with Love (love our country, love the freedom we have, love one another so the country can prosper - - instead of being used for the gain of the usurpers !!!) and reclaim our nation from the nazi satanic worshippers who control our country. Recently, we have to acknowledge and thank all those courageous people who speak out / expose this dark satanic force so all can wake up and benefit from the truth. Our domestic enemy has been called the "khazarian mafia", deep state, shadow government, anti-christ criminals, anti-christ khazars, etc... what we have learned more recently through this exposure include "pedophiles, cannibalism, children trafficking, clinton foundation, satanic rituals at the bohemian grove (and else where) by our criminal satanic leaders, etc..."
Great review info about the United States became a "corporation":
World banker Karen Hudes reveals Secret US Constitution
April 1, 2014
See the difference in this fraudulent corporate constitution to the original US Republic Constitution:
Nobody in California is talking about this, what you're about to see should scare you! May 30th, 2018
What was the secret that Princess Diana knew (Royal reptilian family)
More of Kevin's videos:
At about 42'20" on, one can hear that some of the illuminati members want to come back to the Light but can not due to being blackmailed...
August 25, 2018 With Jim Sinclair & Bill Holter
Weekly wrap: Aug. 24, 2018
Exposure from TruNews (Ministry)
End times madness: Pope, Pedophiles, and Perpetual war - - August 27th, 2018
Mueller Madness: Deep State Plots to take down President Trump while world plots to take down USA - - August 22, 2018
More TruNews videos:
August 29, 2018
Vatican NWO agenda & prophecy exposed
United States is run by corporations
(Mirror image to the BEIC = British East India Company???)
Big United Nations Secret they don't want out, but just has been leaked !!!
The Sordid Truth of the B'nai Brith-ADL
The United States is God's chosen nation and not israel...
Benjamin Fulford's geopolitical update June 17, 2019
Benjamin Fulford — June 17th 2019: Zionist Meltdown as Oman Tanker Stunt Fails to Manipulate Oil Futures Markets
Quoting from the above report:
Code red:. All must know info, the fires in CA can be considered as domestic terroristic attacks to the population... (Nov 4, 2019)
The Club of Rome Has Been Hacking Away at America Since Before FDR
BioWeapons Creators & Coronavirus info:
70,000 people died on 911
5G history and info
edge titanium - TitaniumArt -
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